Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exciting News

I've agreed to be a limit HE instructor at CardRunners and will be making videos for them along with answering questions in the forums. It was a bit of a difficult decision because I will be giving away information on how I play to some of my opponents. The opponents that do watch my videos are very likely good players and not where my profit is coming from so I don't think I'm giving up too much there. The fact that I'll be forced to analyze my game and discuss plays and strategy should be of great benefit and I think this alone outweighs the cons.


  1. Sounds like a great opportunity - good luck with it.

  2. holy crap this is awesome!

    I read your blog all the time and am impressed w/ your analysis.

    It's about time that CR got another lhe instructor. Schneids is ok, but some of his plays are a little goofy imo.

    A request for a future video. Could you make some smaller stake ones than what you normally play? Like from .25-.50c to 3-6? That would be awesome.


  3. I'll do my best, I haven't even received a schedule or anything yet so it'll probably be a ways off but I will definitely try to cover all the limits.
